and I'm still knitting...sometimes...
What is it about September? Between work, classes, the dogs, the house, the family, its all so overwhelming at times. Unfortunately , I had to cancel my trip to Stitches East. Converging familial schedules seems to have put my world out of whack. Ah well, I don't really need new yarn anyway...
oh but I really do, but I'll not dwell on it.. or at least I'll try.
In knitting news, Gryffindor grows.

Albeit slowly. I'm still working my way through continental style. I like it. The stitches seems a little tighter, more uniform, less wonky. My purl technique needs a little work though. I do some sort of throwing movement, (not a true picking maneuver) with the yarn in my left hand when I purl. It feels a little unnatural, but hopefully it'll get easier with time. As I knit a little tighter, I think I need to clear out my WIP's. I defintely don't want my gauge to change in the middle of a project. That could be a knitting nightmare.
While we're on the subject of nightmares. What about frogging Kid SiIk Haze? A veritable knitting nightmare. But I think I've found something worse. Recovering a ball of KSH that had been previously ravaged by the dog.

I tried. But in the end, I really couldn't do it. So now I have this...

what lies above the dangling circles of KSH is a huge knotted mess. So scary, there won't be any pictures of it. (I forgot to photograph it.) Am I paranoid, or does the beaded scarf hate me?
***************************Have you seen the total over a
Give a Little. Over $85,000!! ! Amazing!! So many generous knitters with very big hearts...