Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Wednesday as Monday...

Ah well, my long weekend is nearly over, and I'll return to work tomorrow in a Monday state of mind...

I've been quite busy this past weekend, as usual not with my knitting. My long weekend was originally planned as a trip to Atlantic City for Stitches East, but as other obligations arose, I had to cancel my trip north for the yarn fest. Today was the first day I've been able to sit down and knit and get caught up on my 304 unread blogline feeds. Y'all are busy people!

So here's who joined me on the deck today...

Mandy, the new Interweave Crochet magazine, the gryffindor scarf, and my iBook. If any of my neighbors are reading, please secure your wireless networks. The airport card picked up the signals, and some of y'all don't have protected networks.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'm still here...

and I'm still knitting...sometimes...

What is it about September? Between work, classes, the dogs, the house, the family, its all so overwhelming at times. Unfortunately , I had to cancel my trip to Stitches East. Converging familial schedules seems to have put my world out of whack. Ah well, I don't really need new yarn anyway...oh but I really do, but I'll not dwell on it.. or at least I'll try.

In knitting news, Gryffindor grows.

Albeit slowly. I'm still working my way through continental style. I like it. The stitches seems a little tighter, more uniform, less wonky. My purl technique needs a little work though. I do some sort of throwing movement, (not a true picking maneuver) with the yarn in my left hand when I purl. It feels a little unnatural, but hopefully it'll get easier with time. As I knit a little tighter, I think I need to clear out my WIP's. I defintely don't want my gauge to change in the middle of a project. That could be a knitting nightmare.

While we're on the subject of nightmares. What about frogging Kid SiIk Haze? A veritable knitting nightmare. But I think I've found something worse. Recovering a ball of KSH that had been previously ravaged by the dog.I tried. But in the end, I really couldn't do it. So now I have this...what lies above the dangling circles of KSH is a huge knotted mess. So scary, there won't be any pictures of it. (I forgot to photograph it.) Am I paranoid, or does the beaded scarf hate me?


Have you seen the total over a Give a Little. Over $85,000!! ! Amazing!! So many generous knitters with very big hearts...

Friday, September 02, 2005

every little bit helps

so let's all give a little...Thanks to Susan and Margene...

don't forget the animals...