I was one the lucky winners of the Socktober goodies, and I was lucky enough to receive this beautiful skein of Mountain Colors yarn, perfect for another pair of socks, some lovely scented soap and a beautiful cooper bookmark.
I just love the pagoda detail. Thank you so much Lolly!
As for my knitting, I'm getting ready to start my second Socktober sock, but I've been a bit distracted my the Kristina bag. It's my first bit of multi stranded color work, and so far so good. but it's a bit wonky in places. Hopefully It'll all even out once it's felted.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish the Gryffindor scarf in time for the new Harry Potter movie, but I was able to knit before the movie started. The kids and I loved this movie and we're quite ready for Book 7 and Movie 5. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long.
Anyway I hope you have a wonderful week...Happy Knitting!