Last night, I couldn't sleep so I thought I try my hand at Kool aid dyeing. So after running around the house looking for my little packets of Kool-Aid, I set up shop in the kitchen. Near the microwave.
After surveying all these little packets of color, I realized that I didn't have enough of any one color. The goal was a nice variegated skein of purple and red. Well, the grape ran into the mango and then into the cherry, and I ended up with something that looked akin to the raw umber in the crayola packs. Not a very pretty color.
Looking back at my rainbow of flavors, there were more Black Cherry than any other flavor.
After surveying all these little packets of color, I realized that I didn't have enough of any one color. The goal was a nice variegated skein of purple and red. Well, the grape ran into the mango and then into the cherry, and I ended up with something that looked akin to the raw umber in the crayola packs. Not a very pretty color.
Looking back at my rainbow of flavors, there were more Black Cherry than any other flavor.
I know it wasn't what you were expecting, but I think it's a great salmon pink colour!
Personally, I think it's a lovely shade of pink. But if you'd like it darker you can always dye it again or overdye it with another color and see how that turns out.
Thanks. I think I was expecting a darker pink, so I might try dyeing it again. I just need to get more Black Cherry.
Thank you forr being you
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