Wednesday, October 06, 2004

additions to my mental craft queue

I'm off to another slow week of knitting. Although I have started a new project, because I can't seem to get the old ones out of the queue. I'm making the Lara from the Debbie Bliss Silk Alpaca book. I'm not using the Silk Alpaca yarn, but some long-forgotten stash yarn..

Anyway, in a familial RAOK, I've given an entire rubbermaid of yarn to my sister. She has recently picked up the craft, and I thought some new yarn will inspire her, or at least get her started in establishing her own stash. ;-)
I've also made some random RAOK's to some members on the list, I just hope it'll brighten their day a bit.

As for my mental craft queue, things I'd love to make if I had the time or the yarn: Clapotis, Fibonacci, Hermione's Hat, Harlot Poncho, Charlotte's Web, (Jaimi's is gorgeous), and Klaralund. The list continues as I've picked up a bunch of vintage patterns from the book sale this past weekend.


Atropos said...

Clapotis, Charlotte and Klaralund are in my mental queue too. But I need to postpone them all to get on with my Christmas knitting. I need more hours in the day ...

Jaimi said...

Awww, thanks for the shout-out!

My mental craft queue is insanely long. But I've got way too many Christmas presents to finish first....