In keeping with Project Spectrum, I've got more pink knittting. A pink sweater, for me. Luckily for me, I had this yarn in the stash. I had plans to finish it over the long weekend, but all that free time and beautiful, warm, sunny days kept me away from my needles and a bit distracted.
Mandy's adjusting to life with out Em-Em and has even assumed the role of modeling the knitting...

she doesn't seem to mind, much. Afterall she loves pink...
Aww, what a good girl! She looks like she's asking whether she's doing it right, in the first picture.
she's so cute!!
This face, it doesn't look real. Like a stuffed animal face with those big eyes. Too cute! And she wears pink very well! ;o)
I'm glad you're all getting into the swing of things.
She is really cute!!!
Little Mandy's indeed a gorgeous model - and the pink suits her perfectly! What a good girl she is!
Those photos make me smile,
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