It's August and I'm cold. It's kinda nice. I'm ready for September and some big wooly knitting.
But it the meantime, there's this...
wooly hibiscus
a kind of smoky pink yarn from the hibiscus dye bath
Saturday morning I went grocery shopping at the Latino/Asian mart, an oddly ironic store because peanut butter and cheerios can be found in the international aisle...but they have dyestuffs in the spice aisle.

bastard saffron, that I'm treating like safflower. The real stuff is $90 an ounce. I got this for $1.49 an ounce. Hence safflower. I'm hoping to extract a hot pink dye from it. I've also got
chamomile, great for tea, butI had no idea it could be used for dyeing. And
annatto seeds, which give that odd orange color commonly seen in Filipino and Latino foods, hopefully it'll do the same for yarn.

So far I like the ease of solar dyeing, stick it in a jar, put it in the sun, then
forgetaboutit. It just takes a while to get results. So I built a solar oven
(I applied aluminum foil to the inside of a cardboard box), that got rained on while I was at work today. Oh, well, I tried.