the sun does have it's uses...
Dried Hibiscus Flowers
Hibiscus Flower Sun Tea
Wool in Hibiscus Flower Tea/Dye bath
Wool is just too hot in my hands for knitting in this heat, so I used cotton for this...
Trellis (with my wonky cables) is just waiting for buttons.
Trellis is looking great even without buttons. Looking forward to seeing your hibiscus yarn out of the bath, I bet it will be stunning!
Flower dyed yarn! How cool is that?! Love that sweater, by the way. Is that an adult or child's size?
Keep on posting and I'll eventually get to put together a nice lesson plan on dyeing and knitting. Then off to your house for some hands-on :-) Thanks!
Wow, using flower to die yarn, that is fantasic! Don't forget to post how that turned out!
The sweater is so cute, even without the buttons.
Great job on Trellis!! I didn't know that hibiscus flowers could be used in dying and can't wait to see the yarn.
That looks like fun! When do we see the finished yarn?
The Trellis is adorable!
It looks amazing! What size is it? Lovely color.
The jacket is fabulous!! Love the color and style.
Oh my goodness, that jacket is adorable! Yes, I agree - even without the buttons!
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