Sunday, November 28, 2004


Inspired by the beautiful entrelac patterns, I've seen scattered all around, I've come up with this.

My first attempt at entrelac, and I'm knitting it in the round. I think it will be another bag, and maybe felted one. I suppose it will depend an whether or not I like it after it's finished and blocked.

Holiday shopping at the bookstore can be very bad, especially when distracted by knitting books.

So I got something for me. After all, there are still 27 more shopping days til Christmas...

Saturday, November 27, 2004

a day of shopping

I was out there, for a large part of the day, with the rest of the holiday shoppers. I wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I stayed away from the malls. We started out in Aldie at the British Pantry to stock up on yummy stuff for the holidays.

As we were out in the western part of the county, we decided to check out Capital Yarns. The selection seemed a bit limited, although they had a humongous bargain bin in the front. Unfortunately you didn't have the option of buying just a few skeins. They came pre-packed and wrapped. There is a nice selection of Cherry Tree Hill yarn, but I really wanted some silk garden and the Debbie Bliss Silk Alpaca. I went in with a purpose and came out with nothing. Very unsatisfying.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well it's a bit late, but I hope y'all had a good one. I'm stuffed and tired and quite happy that the day turned out quite well. Family and friends filled the house and I'm ready for bed.

No new knitting news, except I've started a new project. It's one of those things, that aren't quite planned, but you start knitting and the pattern starts to emerge, and you don't know whether to frog it or continue on to see how it works. I'm just a bit clueless as to my next step, if it looks any better tomorrow I may post a picture.... eh, maybe.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

OMG an FO!!

One Glove. YAY!

After attempting to finish up the fingers yesterday evening during Lost. The giant holes near the fingers appeared and much frogging ensued. But now all is well, and I have an FO.
OMG an FO!!

I think I'll try to finish up my WIP's before starting the next glove. (I don't like directions that say work as for Left glove, only .....)

At least the weekend is near, and I may find some time to eke out a few rows on my Lara this evening.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Thumbs Up

I finally had time to knit this evening, and I'm happy to say I have completed a thumb. So far so good, so I think I'll try tackling the other fingers tomorrow.
Thumbs Up

The other day I received some of Axelle's yarn in the Briar Rose colorway. I'm seriously considering using this for Clapotis...

I didn't do too much for Halloween this year, except dispose of the leftover Halloween candy. (delightfully yummy) It's a little late, but I couldn't resist this 59 cent special at Target. (Although, I'm quite sure that Em-Em wishes I had.)

Monday, November 08, 2004

I've got a cuff...

The highland heather has a purpose. Gloves. (or mittens, if I don't like the fingers) I'm just trying to get a handles on all these needles. Knitting with a porcupine, eh? But at least I have a cuff.

Spent the weekend with some friends and I showed off my new yarn. Then they made some comments as to the unseen FO's. Well, there are no FO's, at least nothing recent. Many many WIP's. But NO FO's. If I can manage a couple of rows a night, on any of my WIP's. I will consider it a good night.

I probably have some sort of knitting ADD. There's always some newer, better, brighter, simpler, quicker, must have yarn/pattern/needle/notion that I must try/buy. So now I have these...

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Stash enhancement

I was quite excited last night when I come home to a box of yarn that I had ordered from Axelle. I've got the Highland Heather in merino wool...

and I've already swatched...

Now I just have to figure out what to make with it.

Monday, November 01, 2004

If there's no time to knit. Buy yarn.

Another busy weekend, although not a busy knitting weekend.. But it's November, so the multitude of family birthdays and family gatherings and general holiday festivites will keep me quite busy until January.

Since, there really was no time to knit, I settled for stash enhancement. So there's the Araucania Nature Wool, in lovely shades of purple and dusty pink...

and some burgundy and gold for a Harry Potter scarf for my niece...

I'm also getting ready to order some of the beautiful handpainted colorways from the talented Axelle. They are all so fabulous, I've having a hard time deciding which ones to get. My favorites are the Highland Heather, Water Lilies, Briar Rose, and Sawyer.

Although I like to lament on the fact that I have very limited time to knit. I was finally able to finish the left side of my Lara sweater. (here's to midnight knitting.) Hopefully the right side won't take as long.

A while back Chelsea RAOKed me with a gift certicate from Adagio teas. (you can see the tins above the sweater) So far my favorite is the Ceylon Sonata. Thanks again, Chelsea.

My sister was out of town, so I get to babysit the lovely Tiger. Isn't she cute? She loves yarn as much as Em-Em. But she's a good kitty, who has forgiven me feeding her a little late. She's diabetic, so she know exactly when it's time to eat.