Monday, November 08, 2004

I've got a cuff...

The highland heather has a purpose. Gloves. (or mittens, if I don't like the fingers) I'm just trying to get a handles on all these needles. Knitting with a porcupine, eh? But at least I have a cuff.

Spent the weekend with some friends and I showed off my new yarn. Then they made some comments as to the unseen FO's. Well, there are no FO's, at least nothing recent. Many many WIP's. But NO FO's. If I can manage a couple of rows a night, on any of my WIP's. I will consider it a good night.

I probably have some sort of knitting ADD. There's always some newer, better, brighter, simpler, quicker, must have yarn/pattern/needle/notion that I must try/buy. So now I have these...


Anonymous said...


Me too on the knitting ADD. I was just saying tonight that I do actually have FOs, they are just outnumbered by new start WIP 10:1.

Your cuff looks great.


Anonymous said...

great cuff. i just love that yarn. and cool books. that's a great cover sweater for IK.

Atropos said...

I fully endulge my ADD knitting tendencies, largely because I'm such a completer-finisher in RL. It's nice to flit about from project to project just going where the fancy takes me for a change. Your cuff looks gorgeous! If you tackle mitten fingers I will cheer you on from here - I have never plucked up the courage to try them :)

Di said...

I agree with having a sense of achievment if one completes a few rows of something (anything!) every other day or so! I am amazed by some people's productivity. Before I started reading so many blogs I only ever had one knitting on the go at a time- I put it down to seeing too many inspiring things.. and yummy yarns.. and hearing interesting stories and ideas...
Speaking of which, I've been inspired to try some glove/mittens too: I am debating the style and yarn but figure I have a while to choose (and to come to terms with the porcupine thing) because we're just going into summer here.